I spent my 26th birthday in the capital of prehistory deep in Dordogne were I visited caves that have been engraved or painted by men 200,000 years ago. I don't even know how to make sense of that number. As a classicist, I am used to imagining life 5000 or even 10,000 years back, but multiply that number by 20 and I'm more or less lost.
On our way out to Les Eyzies, we stopped by an ancient Roman villa from the 2nd Century CE that boasts some well preserved mosaics and baths. As with many of these ancient sites, the guys from the Middle Ages decided to put a church on it. And so you have to walk around and through this great big medieval church in order to get a clear idea of the grounds. Still it was quite impressive. The mosaics in the baths are all pictures of sea animals and then in the living areas the art becomes more abstract.
We hiked up a sizeable hill to the entrance and then were led through the narrow entrance of the cave. These caves were not inhabited because it would have been impossible to light or heat them because of the limited oxygen capacity. This means that the beings that drew these pictures and the other beings whe presumable view them did so in a space that was only frequented to that end, the artistic (perhaps religious) end. Sadly, the paintings on the doorway and in the entrance area were destroyed or badly damaged by kids in the 19th century, before the historic importance of this cave was well known. Still, the cave was incredible! Housing over 80 bisons, a number of Mamoths, and some well-endowed prehistoric ladies, depicted mo
Its so amazing how little and how much we know us these people. I like to imagine that they painted everything, all the cliffs and rock faces native to their region. And that they used tons of colors to create their world.
After a couple days of caving, we headed south to visit some famous chateaux that date to the 11th and 12th century and that house modern museums of medieval warfare. Then we visited the old seat of Josephine Baker and her rainbow tribe, paying hommage to one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and remarking the extent to which our conception of art has changed throughout the last two millennia . not as much as all that, I imagine.
I laughed at "very cool, prehistory."